I am trying to set up Apollo GraphQL for my iOS app.
I am following the getting started instructions for iOS client from the official documentation.
I am able to install the Apollo framework for my Xcode project via Swift Package Manager, however, I do not see the InstallCLI option which I expect to see upon right-clicking (as shown below) on the Xcode project file:
I have tried quitting and relaunching Xcode and tried by building the project, but I do not see the Install CLI option in the context menu.
It appears I am missing a step but not able to figure out what.
I am running the current latest release of Xcode 14.3 (14E222b), running on macOS Ventura 13.3 (22E252). I have installed and updated to the latest version of Xcode Command Line Tools.
P.S.: For the context, I am following the instructions here: Getting Started with Apollo iOS - Apollo GraphQL Docs