Can't fetch schema with SPM plugins

Hi team,

I tried to fetch schema using SPM plugins but it doesn’t work.
Here’s my configuration:

  "schemaDownloadConfiguration": {
      "downloadMethod": {
          "introspection": {
              "endpointURL": "",
              "httpMethod": {
                  "POST": {}
              "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
              "outputFormat": "SDL"
      "downloadTimeout": 60,
      "headers": [],
      "outputPath": "./GraphQL/"

here’s the error:

2022-10-14 16:58:38.181 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db.  Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] The read-connection to the DB=/Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db is NOT valid.  Unable to determine schema version.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBWriteConnections: failed to open write connection to DB @ /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db.  Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db-shm.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db-wal.
Error: A server with the specified hostname could not be found.

Searched other threads and looks like it’s sandbox issue. However all my sandbox settings are already disabled. Anyone has suggestion? Thanks

for everyone who has this issue with xcode plugin, checkout this thread on github, build CLI manually and run it.

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