Hi team,
I tried to fetch schema using SPM plugins but it doesn’t work.
Here’s my configuration:
"schemaDownloadConfiguration": {
"downloadMethod": {
"introspection": {
"endpointURL": "https://www.sample.com/api/graphql",
"httpMethod": {
"POST": {}
"includeDeprecatedInputValues": false,
"outputFormat": "SDL"
"downloadTimeout": 60,
"headers": [],
"outputPath": "./GraphQL/"
here’s the error:
2022-10-14 16:58:38.181 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBReadConnections: failed to open read connection to DB @ /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db. Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] The read-connection to the DB=/Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db is NOT valid. Unable to determine schema version.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] NetworkStorageDB:_openDBWriteConnections: failed to open write connection to DB @ /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db. Error=14. Cause=unable to open database file
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db-shm.
2022-10-14 16:58:38.182 apollo-ios-cli[46513:29841391] DEBUG: there is no SQL cache DB located at /Users/hello/Library/Caches/apollo-ios-cli/Cache.db-wal.
Error: A server with the specified hostname could not be found.
Searched other threads and looks like it’s sandbox issue. However all my sandbox settings are already disabled. Anyone has suggestion? Thanks