Managed federation with Apollo Studio - custom directives in supergraph

I would like to ask for support to have custom directives in composed schema when gateway is getting updated schema by managed federation from apollo studio. I would like to have security directives executed only on apollo gateway in managed federation scenario but because of managed federation is getting just supergraph where are not custom directives it is not possible applied directives implementation when schema is updated.

Hi @Jan_Kotlar –– this is a limitation of Federation we’re aware of and have been developing solutions for internally. We’re not ready to share anything on that topic yet, but we have been working on improving other ergonomics of Federation and will be announcing those updates at the GraphQL Summit in November:

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Hi again, I would like to ask for an update of custom directives on supergraphs because I see that apollo server 3 with federation 2 is in public preview but if I am looking to the documentation I cannot find anything about custom directives on supergraphs so I am wondering if this kind of functionality will be really there. Thanks

Hi @Jan_Kotlar :wave: yes this is on our Fed 2 post-GA roadmap!

There are 3 levels to adding custom metadata in subgraphs that compose into your supergraph:

  • Today/Fed 2 GA: @tag which is supported in composition for custom metadata
  • Next: composition of user-defined directives in subgraph schema into a supergraph schema
  • Soon after: composition of user-defined core features that add namespacing and versioning to directives