Hello @JJLindsey! Hmm, so the server should be running on port 4000, but from that error, it looks like the client is not able to connect to it.
First, let’s make sure the server is running! When you run npm start in the server folder, what do you see in the console? Can you run a test query in Studio? You can reference this Lift-off I lesson if you need a refresher on how to do that!
If you’re able to run a test query in Studio then that means the server is running and working! Next step would be to start the client app again, making sure to do this in a new terminal window. So you’ll have 2 terminal windows open, one for server and one for client.
When you run npm start in the client window, do you still get the same error?
Ahh I see! We’ll need to use 2 separate terminal windows since we want to keep the server running AND the client running as well. The query working in Studio is a good sign that the server is up and running! Hopefully running the client app in a separate terminal window works for you!