Hi Guys.
I am having an issue running the Code Generation on SPM for iOS, for proper context, I am building an SPM library that will be using Apollo to make Network calls internally.
I have followed the steps in the documentation however when i attempt to run code generation, I encounter this error.
This is the content of my ExampleQuery.graphql
query Query { company { ceo } roadster { apoapsis_au } }
The content of my apollo-codegen-config
{ "schemaName" : "SchemaPackage", "input" : { "operationSearchPaths" : [ "./*.graphql" ], "schemaSearchPaths" : [ "./*.graphqls" ] }, "output" : { "testMocks" : { "none" : { } }, "schemaTypes" : { "path" : "./SchemaPackage", "moduleType" : { "swiftPackageManager" : { } } }, "operations" : { "relative" : { } } }, "schemaDownloadConfiguration": { "downloadMethod": { "introspection": { "endpointURL": "https://api.spacex.land/graphql/", "httpMethod": { "POST": {} }, "includeDeprecatedInputValues": false, "outputFormat": "SDL" } }, "downloadTimeout": 60, "headers": [], "outputPath": "./graphqls/" } }
Apologies for the formatting, couldn’t upload them as picture cos new users can post more than one image
SDK version: 1.0.0
Xcode version: 14.0
iOS Version: 13
swift-tools-version: 5.6